Welcome to our online booking site
WELCOME SALLY LIN, RPT We are very excited to welcome Sally Lin, RPT to the Steveston Health Collective. Sally is a physiotherapist specializing in prenatal, postpartum and pelvic floor health. Sally will be in clinic Wednesday & Thursdays starting in November.. You can book with Sally directly HERE
New this Springl 1. Hair Repair with Dr. Jenny (for more information check out our website here 2. IV Nutrient Drip Therapy 3. Intramuscular Vitamin Shots (IM Therapy)
LOCATION: We are located at 3251 Chatham St & 5th Ave in Steveston, BC. Parking is available across the street on Chatham. Please be respectful of our neighbours. There is NO parking in the alley or back- new fines will be implemented.
WAITLIST: Hoping for a sooner appointment? Add yourself to the waitlist by clicking on the type of appointment you are looking for and then scrolling down to the bottom of the page.
NEW PATIENTS: Jenny & Maria are accepting New Patients. Erin is currently only accepting Cancer Patients - please contact Lisa directly to book with Erin.
CANCELLATION POLICY: Please give as much notice as possible if you need to cancel. A minimum of 24 hours advanced notice is required in order to avoid a cancellation fee, which will be the full fee of your appointment. Exceptions to this policy include serious illness and emergencies. Cancellations in regards to illness must inform the clinic by 8am that morning in order for the fee to be waived.
We thank you for your continued business. Please call or text Lisa (604) 626- 9935 or email: lisa@stevestonhealth.com if you have any questions or need assistance booking. We look forward to seeing you!